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DL Mentor Uncut – Client Success Interview with Aron Ling

Going for an opportunity in your 20s without overthinking can feel exhilarating and liberating. It is taking a leap of faith and embracing the excitement in exchange for freedom and lifestyle.

Now think of living and building a business on a private island in Bali, Indonesia. It’s the ultimate dream for many!

But despite the beautiful cultural experience, lower cost of living, and business opportunities to invest in real estate in Southeast Asia, there are also potential risks and consequences like working long hours and natural disasters to face in return. 

That is why it is necessary to balance between spontaneity and practicality. That makes an online business platform and mentorship another feasible option to invest and scale.

In today’s episode, Balazs W Kardos shares Aron Ling’s success story, from having a hit-and-miss opportunity to build a hotel from scratch and working for years to making $8,000 in eight days and having overflowing leads with the Diamond Life Mentorship Program strategies.

Aron reveals that by having a mindset shift of not focusing on money but helping people see results in the product they are selling, he also attracts a lot of better team members who are consistent in reaching their goals.

“Because the way we get to our ultimate goals and dreams is by helping enough other people achieve their version of their goals and dreams. And so as you talk about big money, big goals, it’s a market value of service you’re giving to humanity, that’s where your monthly and annual income comes from. ” – Balazs W Kardos

Tune into today’s episode to see why assessing leads, leveraging automation, seeking mentorship, and serving more people can create a life that transforms personal and financial growth.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • Confidence comes from overcoming limiting beliefs.
  • Never trade time and growth for money!
  • Why qualify your leads?
  • Automate your prospecting process!
  • Why do you make money by serving more people?

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Speaking Your Dreams Into Existence

Our minds possess an extraordinary ability to shape our world. 

Within a powerful three-pound organ that activates our memory, thoughts, emotions, motor skills, and senses, when we focus on our vision, it creates a force within us that helps us succeed. 

And it is not just wishful thinking but a mindset that enables transformation.

But to make this happen, Balazs W Kardos wants us to have the clarity to define our goals first and imagine our business and personal aspirations. Make it our battle cry to declare every day and share it without hesitation.

In today’s episode, Balazs shares what it was like in 2009 when he first manifested his dream of traveling the world and making an impact before living the Diamond Life. 

He shows that the lack of views and reactions back then did not matter because he wanted the world to be his playground and made it happen. He made his wildest dreams come true by showing up and taking action. 

Because simply daydreaming is not enough. We must take intentional steps toward our vision. That is how we bridge the gap between our imagination and reality.

“My dream is to travel the world like most people travel around the city they live in and get paid millions of dollars to do it. This is true in my life today and has become my reality. ” – Balazs W Kardos

Tune into today’s episode to build the life that you speak and step into your version of your Diamond Life in the future.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • How can you speak your dreams to existence?
  • Stop keeping your vision a secret!
  • Our mind shapes reality.
  • Co-create with God and the universe!
  • What makes manifestation more powerful?
  • The world is your playground.
  • How can you communicate your vision effectively?

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Getting Paid to Travel The World & Make An Impact

What are the things that excite you, and drive you forward?

Where do you enjoy yourself, earn a living, connect with incredible people, and have extraordinary experiences while experiencing personal and business growth?

Discovering and gaining that clarity will lead you to opportunities that align with your values that will make a difference to yourself and others.

Take Balazs W Kardos as an example. 

He found his calling in traveling and making an impact. As he embraces his vision and continues to grow, he makes the dream possible by finding a support network, nurturing connections, and coming from a place of service, love, and gratitude.

In today’s episode, Balazs celebrates his 10th anniversary in the business – getting paid to travel, while speaking at events to change people’s lives. 

He shows us a sneak peek of the Mastermind sessions in Bali, Indonesia, and Auckland, New Zealand, with Clint X Morgan and the people behind The Good Life Festival.

With 150 attendees ready to change the world, Balazs shows you how to do the same by investing and putting yourself where there is proximity to people who have what you desire, and inspires you to start a unique and influential business.

“I believe that we need to put ourselves in these environments and situations where we raise our vibration, which is why I feel it is one of the keys to growth, and creating more abundance and wealth.” – Balazs W Kardos

Tune into today’s episode to walk you through what it takes to be in The Diamond Life community, where travel and impact go hand in hand.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • How is getting paid to travel while making an impact possible?
  • Can flying business class make you more money?
  • We create success once we believe we can.
  • Proximity is power.
  • Is living a luxury a scam?
  • Why is finding a support network crucial in any business?

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DL Mentor Uncut – Client Success Interview with Jasmin Valdez

Have you found yourself in a never-ending loop, going nowhere despite putting in your best efforts?

It is a frustrating and discouraging place to be. 

But what if there is a way to get out of this, and you do not have to deal with it alone?

That is where mentorship comes in.

A mentor has already walked the path you’re in. They offer new insights, perspectives, support, and accountability from their experiences, so their wisdom and resources can save you time, effort, and headaches.

In today’s episode, Balazs W Kardos introduces us to Jasmin Valdez in his first Diamond Life Uncut Client Success Interview. 

Jasmin tells us how she went from retail management to leaving her dreams of climbing the corporate ladder to spend more time with her husband and son and earning $16,000 after joining the Diamond Life Mentorship Program

She reveals that constantly implementing every lesson during the calls, reviewing her numbers, and putting fears aside are the secrets to reaching and exceeding her goals. 

And ultimately, it would not have happened if she did not listen to her gut and taken action to find a mentor that resonated with her.

But when it comes to scaling your business or getting mentorship and coaching, you want to get in before you’re ready. That’s when you need it the most, of course.” – Balazs W Kardos

Tune into today’s episode to learn why investing in yourself, getting a mentor, and taking action are game-changers for your business.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • Taking action is greater than Manifesting
  • Why get mentorship?
  • Why review your numbers?
  • Focus on hitting your goals now, not later!
  • Burnout is not entirely negative.
  • Every successful business starts with confidence.
  • How does thinking, “What would your mentor do” fix everything?
  • How can confidence help you scale?
  • How does putting your fears aside help you grow?

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Designing Your Perfect Every Day

Have you ever had a day when every sense in your body tells you that moment is perfect, and you spend it in solitude or with your loved ones?

Now think about this: isn’t it better to experience it again, not just on a vacation or special occasion, but every day? 

The good news is you can make it possible because designing your perfect every day is within your control.

But you’re breaking free from routines and habits that no longer align with your happiness and fulfillment.

In today’s episode, Balazs W Kardos wants to flip the pages back to the bright side of designing your perfect every day, just like that unforgettable moment he spent with his family during his daughter Valentina’s first soccer practice – parents and kids having fun, enjoying the golden sunset, and then going shopping to a luxury luggage store carefree and without limitations.

And it’s not only luxury that completes it, but Balazs designs his Diamond Life cherishing the time and shared experiences with loved ones, laughter that brightens up conversations, the warmth of hugs, and genuine connections.

“I’m working on my purpose, my mission, to inspire the world and help set people free. As a mentor, as a coach, I’m doing all these little things every single day in a very repetitive fashion, to keep my cup full and make sure that no important part of my life is being neglected and forgotten about.” – Balazs W Kardos

As part of his mission, he wants you to reflect on what connects with you and makes you happy using the Diamond Life design. Write down what truly matters to you and immerse yourself in this environment.

And that is the first step in making a dream day happen over and over again.

Tune into today’s episode to embrace the days of possibilities, joy, and passion that come with living a life designed with purpose and intention. 

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • Why design your perfect every day?
  • Why can most people not change their routines?
  • The secret to happiness is growth, contribution, and fulfillment.
  • How to design a perfect every day by making a list?
  • Why prioritize yourself first?
  • There will never be perfect timing, so now is the time.
  • How is contrasting a motivator and tool?

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The Dark Side To Creating Your Diamond Life

Life does not always sail to a smooth destination. There are challenges and obstacles that you need to overcome.

And the consequences of your actions, whether you succeed or not, vary in how you face them.

Did you know that 97% stay in their comfort zones while 3% aim to solve their problems, improve, and live their best life?

That same 3% of people are those who create a Diamond Life

But while you often look up to their greatness, it is not easy to understand the dark side of their journey. It comes with a lot of doubts, sacrifices, and disagreements.

In today’s episode, Balazs W Kardos talks about the reality behind the stage, applause, and the challenges he faced that tested his commitment and determination to become the Diamond Life Mentor.

And just like any other icons you see today, Balazs shares a glimpse of LeBron James’ story. He also experienced immense pressure and criticism throughout his basketball career. He faced the dark side of his judgment and questioned his loyalty to his previous team and state. 

But he remains dedicated and becomes one of the basketball legends, fighting battles as long as he lives.

LeBron’s and Balazs’ lives want you to see that these are necessary on the journey to the Diamond Life because success needs you to break through the darkness even when others doubt you or question your choices. 

And keep in mind that you are not alone. All you need to do is ask for help. Embrace the sacrifices, endure the dark side, and keep pushing forward.

“It feels like it’s never going to stop. And it looks permanent, but it is temporary. And when you go through that, you’re like, oh, man, I’ve leveled up, I’ve earned this.” – Balazs W Kardos

Tune into today’s episode to inspire you to overcome challenges, surround yourself with like-minded people, seek support, stay committed, and strive for your version of success.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • Why is there a dark side to creating your diamond life?
  • Only 3% of people improve, and 97% settle for less!
  • The dark side of life is temporary.
  • Why is it important to ask for help and find a mentor?
  • Why be uncomfortable doing challenging things?
  • There can never be a perfect balance at all times in life.
  • More money, more problems is a limiting belief!
  • The problems do not stop; they evolve.
  • Money solves 95% of people’s problems

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