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High Ticket Network Marketing Is The Solution

The feast-or-famine cycle is too familiar for those in the low-ticket network marketing world.

When commissions are high one month, they drop the next because the products are often inexpensive and high in volume. The problem lies in razor-thin profit margins, which require you to promote an overwhelming amount of products to see a decent return on your investment. That translates to constant hustling, recruiting, and chasing new leads, leaving you feeling burnt out and discouraged.

Imagine pouring your heart and soul into this business, only to feel like your finances fluctuate.  

Alternatively, there is a high-ticket network marketing business model that is sustainable and highly profitable, which leads to stability and flexibility for its members.

In this episode, Balazs W Kardos shows the benefits of Enagic, a high-ticket network marketing business model, as someone who has been in this company for 16 years and a legacy out of it in 11 years.

He recommends Enagic because of its debt-free, low-risk, and high-income design using the least complicated, healthiest product (water), yet with a global infrastructure for production, distribution, technology, and personal branding.

As it handles the logistics, it also provides marketing tools to help you build your online presence and target the right audience. By combining these tools with your unique story and expertise, you can attract high-caliber prospects organically, eliminating the need for relentless cold calling.

Like Balazs, who was able to duplicate his business model, you can focus on building relationships and mentoring your community to create a resilient income stream despite economic challenges. That will allow you to manage sales strategically, minimizing risk and maximizing time with loved ones.

“I have seen people come from every different walk of life, try every single different type of business coaching, low ticket, high ticket Forex, crypto, the fancy thing on the internet. They all come back eventually to Enagic.” – Balazs W Kardos

Listen to this episode to explore how high-ticket network marketing can offer the stability, flexibility, and earning potential you deserve.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • What are the risks in low-ticket network marketing?
  • Why do low-ticket network marketing switch to affiliate models?
  • How does Enagic’s global infrastructure and distribution allow flexibility and risk management?
  • How does Enagic maintain a debt-free, sustainable business model?
  • How can you leverage technology and personal branding in marketing?
  • How can you prepare for economic uncertainty with a low-risk, high-income business?

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DL Mentor Uncut – Let’s Talk Duplication

Everyone dreams of having a successful business that is more than a simple paycheck and leaves a lasting impact on your community. But achieving success isn’t just about having a great product or service. It’s about building a foundation of commitment, motivation, and structure.

The first step is believing in yourself and your vision. Be grateful for the opportunities and setbacks because these allow you to learn and grow.

And with a business you are passionate about,  you realize it’s better to serve and share it with others. That’s when a community that thrives on accountability and motivation is born. You will lead without micromanagement, set clear expectations, provide regular feedback, and celebrate achievements together. 

In this episode, Balazs W Kardos takes us into another Diamond Life Mentor Uncut session to share lessons on duplication and accountability when facing rejection in the high-ticket business community.

He emphasizes how it all starts with yourself because people connect with authenticity and vulnerability. Don’t be afraid to share your story – the struggles, the wins, and everything in between. It fosters trust and allows you to build a loyal following of customers and supporters.

Top performers crave growth, so he wants you to set challenging goals that stretch their skills but remain achievable.

Ultimately, the best way to scale your business is by replicating your business model in your team. Document your strategies, from sales processes to marketing campaigns, and train new team members quickly and efficiently, ensuring consistent results.

“I’m just gonna let everybody know right now this is my vision. This is who I’m here to serve, why I’m here to help. And if you don’t care or are not interested, that’s cool. Because I’m learning these other skills to generate leads with social media.” – Balazs W Kardos

Listen to this episode to create a thriving team environment that drives commitment, fosters growth, and achieves extraordinary results.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • How can you reframe your mindset to drive commitment in business?
  • How can you build accountability in the team while fostering motivation?
  • What specific goals can you set for your top performers for more success?
  • How can you grow your team by duplicating yourself and your system?
  • Why should you declare your business through authenticity and vulnerability?
  • Why should you apply belief, commitment, and structure in your sales system?

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My Global Convention Reflections

Remember those times when you’ve been planning a trip for a month – what to wear, where to go, which hotels to book, b-roll to record, how to go with your presentation, and your family to take with you?

Yes, you’re not a first-time traveler, and you’ve always had your family with you, but nothing is perfect. There will always be travel mishaps, the least you expect them. 

Imagine this happening as you attend Enagic’s global convention as a top leader and a final speaker. That’s a whole lot of level of pressure!

In this episode, Balazs W Kardos becomes vulnerable as he reflects on his travel to Okinawa, Japan, returning from his three-week trip from Enagic’s 50th anniversary with the family. 

Unfortunately, even if he had planned everything pre and post-convention, in Tokyo, Okinawa, and Hawaii, life threw curveballs in the form of getting lost, missing Kangen equipment parts, his daughter’s medical emergency, and last-minute changes to his speech as he was about to go on stage.

But he made it through. For a moment, he felt overwhelmed and frustrated. All that preparation seems wasted. But then he took a deep breath and decided to face these challenges with gratitude and love, he appreciated the privileges of getting medical care available for his daughter. He also had the extra time to spend caring for his wife. Even though it’s not what he planned, he found moments of joy in comforting and being with his family. 

And, at the end of his speech, Enagic’s Hironari Ohshiro hugged him on stage and gave him the reassurance he needed that he did his best and impacted all of the 8,000 attendees sharing the company’s success with him.

“That’s happened to me along my journey as well. But this was just like a fucking atomic bomb of that feeling. The feeling is the same. The magnitude of the event can continue to grow and climb.” – Balazs W Kardos

Listen to this episode to gain valuable insights and specific strategies on traveling, but also dealing with problems with love and gratitude to grow both as an entrepreneur and as a person so you can apply these lessons to your life and business.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • How can gratitude and problem-solving fix travel mishaps with the family?
  • How do leadership dynamics and emotional changes occur in a high-ticket business?
  • What are the challenges involved in public speaking as a successful entrepreneur?
  • How did Balazs enjoy his 3-week holiday despite the unexpected situations?
  • How can you face anxiety in public speaking through connection and love?

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DL Mentor Uncut – Give Yourself The Permission To Succeed

What separates successful people from those who only dream starts with mindset – clarity of a life they dreamed of.

Let’s take a look at Enagic celebrating its 50th anniversary. It got this far because the Founder believed in himself, went out of his comfort zone, discovered his passion for health and prosperity, the magical powers of water, and how teamwork makes a high-ticket business possible. So, he networked with more people and built this legacy until it found its way to Balazs 11 years ago.

As Balazs W Kardos has just returned from the Enagic’s 50th anniversary in Japan, in this episode, he rewinds to the Diamond Life Mentor Uncut episode from the New Year when this contest just ended.

He realized that most people wanted to succeed without allowing themselves to do so, which hindered their chances to make this happen. That is one of the reasons why they will not sacrifice their time, money, and energy on joining contests to take their business a notch higher.

And like a contest with defined rules, achieving anything requires a set of goals. Balazs wants you to shift your focus from “can’t” to “can,” identify the limiting beliefs holding you back, and replace them with empowering thoughts.  

Balazs, a key figure in Enagic’s success, exemplifies this perfectly. He didn’t build his high-ticket business overnight. It took over a decade after hiring his first mentor, but making the Global Prosperity Movement top one globally wouldn’t have been possible without a clear vision and the right mindset.

“If you do not assign yourself this identity of that’s who you can become with your people, with your team/group, then you will not ever get there by accident.” – Balazs W Kardos

Listen to this episode to discover how Enagic’s legacy can inspire your growth by setting targets, accessing practical tools, and connecting with a supportive community.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • What were the contest rules to take part in Enagic’s 50th anniversary?
  • How did Balazs build his high-ticket business 11 years after hiring his first mentor?
  • How can you set clear goals for personal growth?
  • What resonated with Balazs to create the Global Prosperity Movement?
  • How can you permit yourself to succeed?

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DL Mentor Uncut – Transform Your Efforts Into Results

People hate feeling chased. It creates short, awkward chats out of nowhere, especially if you’re not the type who keeps checking in with friends and family.

Unfortunately, many say to start with your friends, family, and relatives when making your first sale. It’s tradition, yes, but it’s time for a change.

The last thing you want to happen is to be insincere and impersonal when you want to offer a solution to their problems. So, go outside of your comfort zone and revisit your warm leads – those who show interest in your content, product, or service that you use. You might have met them on a freebie you sent or watched your livestream. Don’t let them disappear!  

In this episode, Balazs W Kardos shares another clip from his Accelerator Mentorship program coaching calls to share tips to transform your lead generation efforts into results. He wants you to use your content effectively. Balazs suggests you stop using generic ads and doing passive outreach, turning them into personalized messages that address your prospect’s needs.

Retargeting can be powerful as you focus on their major pain points and let them feel you understand what they’re going through to nudge them into your goal. That removes the pressure, creates genuine conversations, and closes deals as you build momentum.

“You need to make it hurt. And you’re doing it from a place of love until someone has moved into action because they’re so unhappy with what they’re at, they remain in that comfort zone.” – Balazs W Kardos

Listen to this episode to learn how to share real stories that build trust, create a sense of momentum, and make your brand more relatable for a successful lead generation strategy.

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • Why do your inbound and outbound outreach not work?
  • How can you keep nurturing your warm prospects in your lead generation?
  • Why retarget using your prospect’s specific pain points and make sure it hurts?
  • When should you not be “too nice” in sales?
  • Why create short engaging videos for your target market?
  • How can you build momentum through behind-the-scenes “action and story” content?

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DL Mentor Uncut – Mastering the Art of Sales Conversations

In sales, have you experienced conversations hitting a dead end? You present a fantastic opportunity, but people hesitate or raise doubts. Frustrating, right?

What matters is the salesperson’s mindset and how the pitch finds solutions to a problem already present and relatable to the prospect. That way, they will agree and won’t have time to hesitate.

In this episode, Balazs W Kardos answers the top five questions in sales conversations and how to close deals with the GPM community in this Diamond Life Mentor Uncut call.

Balazs recommends killing the objection before it approaches by knowing your audience or prospects first – understanding the common objections in your niche and addressing them proactively during your initial pitch.

They don’t buy products but solutions to their problems, so frame your offer as a breakthrough to their challenges to help them achieve their goals.

Next, keep solving problems while aligning your values to the product you’re offering. Believe in it – if you don’t believe in what you’re offering, how can you expect anyone else?

Once you’re ready, manifest closing deals and anticipate positive outcomes. This energy is contagious and sets the stage for a smooth closing.

Lastly, Balazs wants you to offer a convenient way for people to take the next step, like suggesting a specific time for a call or providing a link to your calendar. Focus on uncovering their current situation and asking targeted questions that pique their interest in what you offer. Remember, the most effective lines are the ones that resonate with the people you’re speaking with.

“Believing in the product and knowing it’s the best thing ever goes hand in hand with making money online. You’re sharing from a place of conviction about the product and the business model.” – Balazs W Kardos

Tune into this episode to learn and share experiences with like-minded people and watch your network marketing business soar using the art of sales conversations and closing strategies. 

Key Diamond Nuggets In This Episode:

  • How can you prevent objections from starting?
  • How can you close deals by expecting a successful outcome?
  • How can you use an elevator pitch to establish and solve people’s problems?
  • What is the oldest line in network marketing effective in recruitment?
  • Why use leading questions to guide prospects to book a call?
  • How can you keep your team accountable without chasing them?

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