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DL Mentor Uncut: Success Mindset For Beginners

Do you feel that your win isn’t good enough? Whatever your win is, when you do something that you previously haven’t done, when you push through your discomfort, that’s a massive win. You should feel proud of yourself.

There’s a delusion period that often happens when we pivot to working for ourselves. Ask yourself: what exactly are you wanting to build? Are you wanting to build your forever dream home (figuratively speaking), but you’re stuck in the basement suite without much natural light?

If you want to rise up and move into that big home, you’re going to have to make some sacrifices and put in the grind in order to achieve that dream.

Put aside your fixation on keeping up with those sports match results and learn to level up with your own personal development. That’s the only score that matters now.

Balazs is giving us the real talk today, telling it as it is if we are wanting to live our Diamond Life. When you distill it down to that aha moment when you knew that you needed to make a change, and then look at the disconnect between that and what you’re doing now, and put aside any blame, you’ll see that there is work to be done.

Stop following celebrities and start following the people you want to build relationships with. Opportunities will arise as you build relationships. This is the Success Mindset For Beginners. Let’s go!

 “If you’re always chasing the next new thing that just came out and trying to add it into your business as some kind of hack, you’re always going to feel overwhelmed, you’re always going to feel behind. But principles, they don’t change.” ~ Balazs W Kardos

In This Episode:

– Living in a state where ‘maxed out’ is normal – how do we change that?

– Understanding why leisure has to be the first thing to go when you set out to achieve

– The importance of having accountability partners in your life

– What gave you the ‘spark’ to want to make a change?

– Generating leads through organic social media and outreach campaigns

– How to have a lead generation conversation each and every day

– Learning to have a thick skin when people ghost you – just do it!

– Taking ACTION through a temporary season

– The only thing that kills a great idea is your better idea 

– Measure your own results by the actions you can take that moves the needle forward

– Why a season of sacrifice is double the work

– Why you need to have conversations with people

– Investing in yourself (read the book you need to read)

– Waking up inside the dream: you’ve arrived!

And more!

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The Diamond Life Business Model

Do you love location freedom? Do you want an uncapped earning potential in terms of the value you provide to other people while being able to come and go as you please? Growth, health, wealth, and living life on your own terms — designing the life of your dreams — is possible, and Balazs is here to show us how.

How can we move into the upper right-hand quadrant of The Diamond Life Cashflow Quadrant (please check out the previous episode #7)?

Being great at something isn’t necessarily the best choice for you in terms of a business model. Perhaps you’ve wasted years in a career that hasn’t given you the time freedom you deserve. Well, it’s time to change that.

The Diamond Life Business Model is here to support you as you make that shift to express your authentic self more fully. Stop working the 9 to 5, embrace the challenge of learning new skills, be prepared to put in hard work at the beginning, unpack some of the stigmas you might have around network marketing, let go of your fears around your own capabilities — and let’s go!

“If I did nothing — if I literally stopped working, if I turned off my podcast, if I deleted all my social media, if I literally just didn’t work — that money would keep coming in. And here’s why: because residual impact leads to residual income.” ~ Balazs W Kardos

In This Episode:

– Would you rather have 1% of 100 people’s efforts — or 100% of your own?

– Are you okay with learning new information to match your new business aspirations?

– How to understand averages — and then leverage other people’s time and efforts

– The value of selling higher ticket items to hit your income goals

– Understanding marketing software and automated systems that do the heavy lifting for you

– What is your willingness to do the work, learn something new, and embrace a turnkey business?

– Why residual impact leads to residual income

– What are the pros and cons of network marketing?

– How can you get to the right-hand side of the Cashflow Quadrant?

– What is your next step to join The Diamond Life Mentor program or learn more? — DM ‘FREEDOM’

And more!

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Master Key to Freedom: The Cashflow Quadrant

What’s keeping you so loyal to a life that is keeping you so stuck? Are you ready to shift the way you generate income? Balazs is in your corner, asking you to reverse-engineer your dreams. What does your ideal day look like? How can you spend your day fishing (awesome parable inside)?

Actionable answers lie in store for you in this motivational missive from Balazs as he shares The Diamond Life Cashflow Quadrant and Income Matrix as two tools you can harness for effecting positive change in your life today.

Are you stuck on a golden hamster wheel and wanting to get off? Where did your career choices come from? What if that time in the future (that ideal day) never comes? Balazs is challenging us to answer these questions, and then consider a better future.

The blueprints for that are the sublimely brilliant ‘The Diamond Life Cashflow Quadrant’ and Income Matrix — exquisitely explained by Balazs. As a kicker, Balazs is sharing people’s deathbed regrets, which will surely inspire you to go and get that Diamond Life!

“When we think about happiness, how many of us are delaying our happiness for something in the future that, once we get there, once we achieve this, once we accomplish that, then I will be happy?”  ~ Balazs W Kardos

In This Episode:

– The Story of the Fisherman and the Businessman — reflecting on your life

– The cadence and rhythm with which we are ‘supposed’ to go about life

– What if that time in the future never comes?

– Where did your career choices come from? Was it your parents?

– What does your perfect day look like?

– Understanding The Diamond Life Cashflow Quadrant

– Are you just trading your time for money — and is there more for you?

– Having the courage to go on your own and become self-employed

– Upgrade the Hamster Wheel — or ditch it altogether?

– How to get to the right-hand side of the quadrant — starting part-time

– Having a ‘How Can I?’ attitude and belief

– Understanding our three-dimensional reality – how time and space affect our income potential

– Getting to a ‘mobile active’ or ‘semi-passive’ space on the Income Matrix

– Learning from those who are at the end of their lives

– The Top 5 regrets people have on their death beds

– Are you choosing the best path to live your life to the fullest?

And more!

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The 10 Keys To Thriving Through Economic Turbulence

Are you concerned that there might be a recession fast approaching? How do you hold it down and protect your loved ones? Balazs is here with his 10 Keys To Thriving Through Economic Turbulence, which can help you navigate what is coming by addressing your current situation – and then taking action.

This episode kicks off with more of Balazs’s origin story and how he got to where he is today, with a humorous reflection on his return from holiday to an empty trading office after the real estate crash in 2008. So Balazs has been here before: mired in panic, stress, and uncertainty. And he’s here to tell you that with a bit of preemptive planning, you can avoid the pain and prosper regardless.

From focusing on what you can control to assessing how reliant you are on your government system, and from dealing with problem-solving in a creative way to being that voice of reason because you’re leveling up your self-improvement, The Diamond Life Mentor reminds us that no matter what color swan is coming, working on yourself remains key. And that starts here.

“It’s better to plan ahead and to start taking actions now than it is to wait until the writing is on the wall.”  ~ Balazs W Kardos

In This Episode:

– Balazs makes connections and creates opportunity at an upmarket event

– Balazs returns from holiday after the ’08 crash – to empty offices

– Making emergency plans in the event of a likely recession

– Focus on the ‘controllables’ in your daily operation

– Understanding a ‘black swan’ event

– Spending to avoid pain rather than spending to seek pleasure

– Getting creative in the ways that you problem solve

– It’s better to be prepared and not need it than need it and not be prepared

– How reliant are you on your government’s system to survive?

– Attack and go on the offense – taking massive action!

And more!

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Owning Your Vulnerabilities & Taking Imperfect Action

Why don’t more people unlock their freedom using their own unique master keys? Where do successful people hang out — and how do you get into that room? What have you created today? And what is holding you back from earning ten times more?

These are the questions of catharsis that Balazs is asking us as we renew our vigor and determination to live The Diamond Life.

Balazs is exposing his vulnerabilities today, sharing his struggles on life after the launch of his podcast. The Diamond Life Mentor has been a huge success worldwide thus far, but where does that leave our host after the initial expectation and excitement wears off?

Being authentic rather than fronting as to how awesome everything is, Balazs reminds us to take imperfect action and continue with our constant and neverending learning as we grow into the more attuned version of ourselves we know we can be.

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome is not something Balazs is immune to, and by taking us through his thought process, he ends up sublimely inspiring us along the way. You are worthy. Keep striving for growth.

“We only have one life. Our life is short, and if we continue to do things that are stealing our joy, stealing our happiness, frustrating us, stressing us out… only you and I can make the changes.” ~ Balazs W Kardos

In This Episode:

– Looking in the mirror and saying, “this isn’t working for me anymore”

– What is the highest priority for you to change as quickly as possible?

– On the other side of perfectionism is a fear of looking stupid

– What have you created today?

– Sharing our growth and what we’re going through instead of ‘fronting’ 

– Focusing on what you DO have and owning your offering 

– Why accountability is one of the most inspiring things we can share

– Acknowledging your own inner transformation and the journey you’ve embarked upon

– Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

– How Balazs worked his way up to higher levels of access at speaker events

– Where do successful people hang out?

– Unlocking the motivational part of yourself that’s always been there

– Why your worthiness is an important piece of solving your puzzle 

– The higher the ticket, the more access you receive, and the more time you collapse!

And more!

Connect with Balazs W Kardos:



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Life After Freedom as The Rich Mystic Man With Clint X Morgan

What is life like after having attained financial freedom? What does that feel like — and where do you go from there? Today’s guest is the ‘Rich Mystic Man’, Clint X Morgan, and he’s journeyed from being a down-and-out broke new dad to wealth coach, musician, and family provider with his own set of master keys to freedom.

Our host Balazs W Kardos can take some credit as he was Clint’s mentor when Clint was just about to give up on entrepreneurship after ten years of struggle. How the two connected, inspired each other, and attained those keys to freedom is the stuff of legend that they dive into in this super-inspiring episode.

If you want to understand what Balazs does, and the power that mentorship and coaching has to effect positive change in one’s life, then be sure to pay attention to Clint’s story. You too can become the author of your own story. It starts with a curiosity to look at other people that are writing their own rules. Clint X Morgan is truly one of those people! Please join us.

“One of the most important things in mentorship and coaching that I really stand for, and I believe in, is the power of believing in someone else, and their potential, before they really believe in themselves fully. So you’re speaking belief into somebody, seeing them as the person they become.” ~ Balazs W Kardos

In This Episode:

– Having mentors that can breathe belief back into you.

– Being respected for doing things differently.

– Have I done my best with what I have right now?

– We are all powerful, all creative, all mighty beings.

– The human need for validation and feeling part of a tribe.

– Becoming the author of your own story.

– What is life like having attained freedom?

– Being curious about people that live life by a different set of rules.

– Clint becomes a rapper!

– Being able to support a brother going through cancer.

– Flying with a one-way ticket: what freedom looks like.

And more!

Connect with Clint X Morgan:


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